Page 11 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 1 2015
P. 11



              t’s time to dust off old photo albums and walk down your memory lane. Share with
            Ialumni precious memories of your alma mater captured in photos at the “Photo
            Collection Corner.”  Please send photos to us on or before Monday, 16 March, 2015.

            Submit online:
            ** Photos posted online must be about 3M in size in JPG or TIF format.**

            By Post:  Use address label on Page 11.
            ** Please ensure that you provide 1) your name; 2) graduation year; 3) email; 4) contact numbers; 5) a caption of no
            more than 30 words for each photo.**


                                     hy not keep in touch with old friends and make
                               Wnew ones? And what better way to do that than
                               via Facebook. We are inviting the alumni to follow us
                               on our newly created Facebook and LIKE our page.


                                                                 REUNION GATHERING

                                                                     he MBChB Class of 1999 recently held their
                                                                  T15th Reunion Anniversary at Chung Chi
                                                                  College and all had had a good time. If you are
                                                                  planning to organise a get-together of alumni
                                                                  friends  on  CUHK  campus,  or  need  advice
                                                                  on the type of events or venues, email us at
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