Page 4 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 1 2015
P. 4
“Oh, you are a doctor who graduated from CUHK…Wow!”
- Dr Byron Chu (MBChB 2004)
Chairman of the Editorial Board
ho are you? What is your identity?” Think, expanding our footprints, both locally and globally,
“Wfor a moment, how a new acquaintance while making new friends from all walks of life.
would respond when you simply said: “My career
started after obtaining an MBChB degree in Hong I know the newsletter is in good hands. Our
Kong.” Would he or she immediately know that editorial board members and many volunteer
you graduated from CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine? advisors are leaders, aspiring doctors, academics,
How about ten years from now? Our Bachelor of intellectuals, private entrepreneurs and excellent
Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery programme, communicators. On top of that, our behind-the-
or MBChB (and naturally the Global Physician- scenes support team is providing the ever-present
Leadership Stream) is unique in Hong Kong. toughest backbone.
There is no other programme offered by any other
university in Hong Kong that awards such a degree. What makes Hong Kong’s MBChB special? It is
Wouldn’t you like to hear a response from your the long-lasting relationships that have developed
new acquaintance: “Oh, you are a doctor who over time among students, alumni, faculty, staff and
graduated from CUHK…Wow!” friends of the Faculty which make this place feel like
home. 2015 marks the 34th year since the admission
But how do we get there? It takes more than of the first batch of Hong Kong’s MBChB’s.
just smart individuals, dedicated teachers, great
educational programmes, altruistic volunteers and Currently, our Faculty is well-positioned to embark
outstanding researchers, all of whom, on the next stage of exponential growth and
undoubtedly, already exist among development. Apart from achieving new heights
us. Any successful enterprise in research and in academic reputation, we have
needs a robust network - a and will continue to witness the affirmation and
network that connects existing recognition of our outstanding alumni by local,
learners, potential newcomers, national and global communities. Our growing
essential workforces, those influence in medical and healthcare sciences and
who have moved to another services has been creating new opportunities for
establishment and those who building closer bonds with prestigious international
have retired. institutions. As of today, Hong Kong still does not
have a retired MBChB (projected by age) alumnus
This newsletter is aimed or alumna. In the near future, some of us will
at cultivating existing begin to ponder about retirement and move on to
relationships among our accomplishing more life goals. I am confident that all
graduates, strengthening of us, besides wanting to be remembered as a great
bonds among different individual, would also yearn to be immortalised
generations of Hong through our distinguished contributions to
Kong’s MBChB’s, reaching communities and humanity.
out to potential new
brothers and sisters, and Make us proud.