Page 13 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 5 2017
P. 13


            ”while drinking at a rivulet, stop to   Charlie Lee, the Chairman of The   There were also “mobile-selfie”
            consider its source.”             Charlie Lee Charitable Foundation,   sessions  where  guests  took
                                              won the bid for the painting with   selfies and then uploaded them
            One of the highlights of the Gala   HKD360,000  and  the  money    onto an online platform. To the
            Dinner  was  a  charity  auction   was donated to the Gerald Choa   delight of the many participants,
            featuring a traditional Chinese   Memorial  Fund  for  medical     the photos were then projected
            painting by Professor Philip Chiu,   education.                    onto big screens.
            Assistant Dean (External Affairs),
            with  personal  calligraphy  by   T h e   d i n n e r   a l s o   f e a t u r e d   The new Faculty logo was given
            Professor Sung.                   performances by students who     a place of pride at the venue. The
                                              sang and danced to convey their   new  logo -  consisting of  two
            The subject of Professor Chiu’s   gratitude to the Faculty teachers.   overlapping apricot leaves, one
            painting  is  a  black  paradise   The performers wore tee-shirts   purple and one green - has been
            flycatcher with a long tangerine-  which bore the winning design,   in use since 2013. The design is
            coloured  t ail  perching  on     picked  from  23  entries  in  a   the brainchild of Professor Francis
            the  branch  of  a  kapok  tree   competition initiated by students,   Chan:  “The  pronunciation  of
            blossoming with red flowers.      who wanted to choose a “birthday   apricot ( 杏 ) is akin to that of the
            Professor Sung’s inscription was   gift” for the Faculty.          word 'fortunate' ( 幸 ) in Chinese.
            taken from the classical medical                                   This is a subtle reminder to all
            encyclopaedia Bei Ji Qian Jin     It  was  an  enjoyable  night  for   of us at the Faculty that it is a
             Yao Fang: “A great doctor treats   alumni, with many of them turning   privilege to be able to devote
                the state; an average doctor   up with their spouses and children -   ourselves  to  the  practice  of
                  treats the patients; and a   some of whom are now studying at   medicine to serve people.”
                    below-average doctor      the Faculty of Medicine.  Photos of
                     treats the diseases.”    alumni’s “good old days” in school   A one-off special logo was also
                                              were displayed at the venue.     designed to commemorate the
                                                                               35th anniversary. In addition to
                                                                               the Faculty colours of purple and
                                                                               green, the concept of LEAF
                                                                               was used to symbolize
                                                                               “Growth, Nurturing
                                                                               and Full of Life.”
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