Page 3 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 5 2017
P. 3
“As we embark on this journey to provide excellent
medical care to patients, in whatever capacity we
have chosen, we must not forget to lend a helping
hand to our up-and-coming doctors.”
- Dr Bonnie Wong Chun-kwan
( 黃駿君醫生, MBChB 2002)
Chairlady of the CUHK Medical Alumni Association
H lend a ear. That is why
appy New Year 2017!
it is so important that the
It gives me great pleasure to address the first issue of CUHKMAA keeps the bonding
the CUHK Medical Alumni newsletter of this year. strong among ourselves as well as with
our alma mater.
Let me first welcome the council members of The
Chinese University of Hong Kong Medical Alumni We are a community…like it or not, we are linked to one
Association (CUHKMAA). Let us all strive to another in more ways than one,
strengthen our vision of further from the time we were
enhancing the bond among students on campus to the
ourselves as well as time we graduated and
between alumni and went our different paths.
our alma mater. I would also like to touch
Ever y year our upon the importance
cohort of alumni of maintaining a healthy
expands by leaps work life balance. Just like
and b ound s. A s our sports enthusiasts featured
we embark on this in this issue, look for a hobby
jour ney to provide or go after something you
excellent medical care to have always wanted to
patients, in whatever capacity do but never had the
we have c ho s e n, we time. If it is not sports,
must not forget to lend take up charity work.
a helping hand to our You need the distraction
up-and-coming doctors. sometimes - and in
this case, the distraction
In today’s world, the public could be for your own
expects a lot more from well-being and happiness. As
doctors than ever before. The French-German philosopher and
pressure to do better sometimes is insurmountable. It physician, Albert Schweitzer, once said: “Success is not the
is therefore important that physicians, especially the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.”
young graduates, have a place to turn to for help and
encouragement. And what better place to look for these Finally, I would like to end this message, with once
than from our alma mater. Our mentors, faculty staff as again wishing each and every one of you… “A Very
well as colleagues will alway be there to assist, or simply Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!”