Page 14 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 9 2018
P. 14




               rofessor David P Davies joined   and development, as well as nutrition
            Pthe newly established Faculty of   and neonatology. In 1978, he was
            Medicine of The Chinese University   awarded the prestigious Guthrie Medal
            of Hong Kong in 1984 and set up the   by the British Paediatric Association
            Department of Paediatrics. He had a   in recognition for his work on growth.
            string of impressive credentials to his
            name before joining the CUHK Faculty   Dr Michael Yung (MBChB 1986), a
            team. He had studied medicine at the   paediatrician in the private sector,
            University of Wales in Cardiff in 1960   remembers Professor Davies as a
            and three years later, obtained an   “classical British gentleman”.
            intercalated Bachelor of Science Degree   “I cannot recall him ever scolding
            in Human Anatomy (with Honours).   anyone,” Dr Yung says.
            He did his clinical studies at the Welsh
            National School of Medicine until he   Dr Yung was one of the first graduates   Professor David Davies
            graduated as an M.B. B.Ch. in 1966 with   of the Faculty of Medicine. Immediately   (Second from left)
            distinctions in medicine and surgery.   after his housemanship, he was
                                              offered a job with the Department of   a patient's signs and symptoms may
            Professor Davies worked at several   Paediatrics by Professor Davies. At the   not be obvious initially, but if you follow
            hospitals after his graduation before                              the patient closely, you will know the
            returning to his alma mater in 1972 to   time, there was only one vacancy.  diagnosis,” he says. “Whether Professor
            become a lecturer in Child Health. In   “On my first day of work as a paediatrican,   Davies is seeing patients or doing other
            addition to his teaching and clinical duties   Professor Davies told me I had got   work, he would always look at the whole
            as Senior Registrar, Professor Davies   the job - not because of my academic   picture.”
            managed to conduct research in growth   performance - but because of my working
            and nutrition in low birth weight infants,   performance during my housemanship,”   With a foundation firmly set by Professor
            for which he was awarded an MD in 1976.  recounts Dr Yung.         Davies, the Department of Paediatrics
                                                                               at Prince of Wales Hospital has been
            After that, he joined the University of   Dr Yung says Professor Davies taught   able to provide advanced patient-based
            Leicester where he played a major role in   him a lot of things. “The classical phrase   diagnoses and treatments to the
            setting up a neonatal unit at the Leicester   I learned  from him is…“Time will tell”.   children in Hong Kong in the last 30-plus
            Royal Infirmary Maternity Hospital. His                            years…and the Department’s reputation
            research interests centred on growth   “Professor Davies would teach us that   continues to grow.


                                              As an undergraduate, Dr Siu won many   Kong Society of Upper Gastrointestinal
                                              prizes for distinguished academic   Surgeons and a Council member (and ex-
                                              performance,  including  the  City   President) of the Hong Kong Society of
                                              Lions Club Gold Medal - an award   Minimal Access Surgery.
                                              for best student in all professional
                                              examinations. In 1988, he was awarded   Dr Siu is currently Honorary Consultant
                                                                               at Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital,
                                              the Young Clinician Award at the 11th   Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern
                                              World Congress of Gastroenterology.
                                                                               Hospital and Prince of Wales & New
                                              In recognition for his academic excellence,   Territories East Hospitals.
                                              he was invited to be a member of   Dr Siu has been pivotal in organising
                 e are proud to announce that   International Reviewer Panel of Medical   educational activities for medical alumni
            Wour very own medical alumnus,    Science Monitor, reviewer of The Alimentary   and medical students - such as the
            Dr Siu Wing-tai (MBChB 1989), has   Pharmacology & Therapeutics and Indian   “Medical Alumni Buddy Programme” -
            been conferred Honorary Fellow    Journal of Surgery, and is an editorial board   since the inception of the CUHK Medical
            of The Chinese University of Hong   member of Surgical Practice (the official   Alumni Association. His work ethic is
            Kong. Dr Siu is the first CUHK medical   journal of the College of Surgeons of Hong   based on his philosophy of “just wanting
            graduate to receive this honour.   Kong). He is also President of the Hong   to be a good doctor”.
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