Page 7 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 9 2018
P. 7





            “The illness shaped my character because I met
              many good doctors along the way…”

                                    -  Dr Angeline Lo Oi-shan

                                              (盧靄珊醫生, MBChB 2006)

                                              diagnosis. Noting there was a growth,
                                              the doctor performed an operation to
                                              remove it but he quickly closed her scalp
                                              after discovering that the tumour was
                                              too large for him to handle.
                                              She was then taken to Queen Mary
                                              Hospital for the surgery. “I owe my life
                                              to Dr Fung Ching-fai who operated on
                                              me,” she says. She was looked so well by
                                              the doctors and staff that it strengthened   CUHK’s MBChB programme. After
                                              her resolve to become a doctor.  10 years with PWH, Dr Lo joined St
                                                                               Teresa’s Hospital in February this year.
                                              She underwent chemotherapy treatment   “I wanted a career change to expand
                                              for about seven months. She recovered   my horizon,” she says. And, she is also
                                              fully but she was not told she had cancer.   hoping to get involved in voluntary work
                                              “I only knew I had cancer when I was   again in the near future. One of her
                                              in medical school, “ Dr Lo says. “At the
             n July last year, Dr Angeline Lo   time, my parents and doctors simplified   last major voluntary projects - during
            Iwas one of five recipients of the   everything. They just told me there was   her time with PWH - involved visiting
            3rd “Outstanding Little Life Warriors   lump that needed to be removed and   drug abusers under the “The New Life,
            Award”  - a recognition for people who   the chemotherapy was to protect me   New Liver Project” HCV-eradication
            have had cancer, severe blood diseases   from future illness.” She says she is not   campaign.
            or bone marrow transplant during their   angry from being kept from the truth. “I   Of the many happy memories she
            childhood and who went on to achieve   know why they did it.”      can recall, one in particular sticks out.
            notable success afterwards.                                        When she was still a Year 4 medical
                                              Dr Lo’s path to medical school was not
            She was nominated by Professor    that straightforward. She failed in her   student, she saw a boy with severe facial
            Godfrey Chan Chi-fung, Chairman of   first attempt to secure a place in The   deformity at the Caritas Medical Centre
            the Department of Paediatrics and   Chinese University of Hong Kong’s   (Project Sunshine). She recognised him
            Adolescent Medicine at Queen Mary   Faculty of Medicine because her grades   as the very sick newborn baby in the bed
            Hospital. “He thought I deserved the   - though excellent -  were not good   next to hers when she was in hospital
            award because I was able to overcome   enough. She was instead admitted   years go. “I saw him in the centre,
            the disease, continue with my studies,   to the Journalism Department.   running around happily and I felt so
            pass with flying colours and then get into   Undeterred, in the following year, she   happy. I think life is amazing,” she says.
            medical school,” Dr Lo says. She hopes   applied for an internal transfer to the   She should know, having been given a
            the award will send a message to others   Faculty of Medicine and was successful.   second chance in life…and in studies.
            that they too can achieve whatever                                 Dr Lo is optimistic with what lies
            they want if they put their minds to it.  Dr Lo, who ended up specialising in   ahead. She has achieved her dream of
                                              gastroenterology and hepatology,   becoming a doctor and is thankful to
            Looking at Dr Lo, many would not   worked at the Prince of Wales Hospital   CUHK and its professors for giving her
            know she is a cancer survivor. At just   soon after graduating. She was a   the chance. “The illness shaped my
            eleven years, she was diagnosed with   mentor to students for a few years   character because I met many good
            fibrosarcoma. Her mum noticed a lump   there and is currently mentoring   doctors along the way,” she says.
            on her scalp and naturally concerned,   three medical students in the Global
            took her to a private doctor for   Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS) of   Her advice: “Always be optimistic.”
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