Page 15 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 3 2016
P. 15

Surgeon                                                                           NEWS IN BRIEF                   14


                                                                     REUNION GATHERING

                                                                     OF CLASS 1995

                                                                        he MBChB class of 1995 recently held their
                                                                     T20th Reunion Anniversary at the CUHK’s
                                                                     Centre of Sciences Building and a good time
                                                                     was had by all.


            For all those who love to write…here is your chance.
            We are looking for alumni and students to share their
            stories on any topic of their choice.
            Words: approx. 500

            Photos are welcome.

            Only selected articles by the Editorial Board will be

            Send your articles to:


            ** Please provide 1) your name 2) graduation year
              3) email 4) contact numbers
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