Page 10 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 3 2016
P. 10
he third Gerald Choa Memorial
TLecture cum Dinner was held on
27 November 2015 at the Happy
Valley Clubhouse of the Hong Kong
Jockey Club.
The Guest of Honour at this significant
annual event was the former Secretary
for Justice of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, Mr Wong
Yan-lung, SC.
In his welcome address, the Vice-Chancellor,
Professor Joseph Sung paid tribute to
the founding dean of CUHK’s Medical
Faculty - the late Professor Choa, who
transformed the Faculty into what it is
today - a world-class teaching institution
for medicine.
Afterwards, the Dean of the Faculty
of Medicine, Professor Francis
Chan introduced the honourable
M r W o n g , w h o w a s t h e f i r s t A vote of thanks to Mr Wong was given
non-medical professional to be a guest by three students who were awardees
speaker at the Dinner. of the Gerald Choa Memorial Fund
scholarships - Landon Chan (Medicine
In his speech, Mr Wong highlighted Year 4), Tommy Lai (Medicine Year 4) and
the importance of the medical Lam Lok-ka (Medicine Year 3).
profession in healing the sick in
society. More than 150 people, including government
officials, alumni and guests from the medical
He also outlined the importance of and business sectors, attended the event.
the rule of law, stressing that the law
is important in mapping out proper The Gerald Choa Memorial Fund - set up
boundaries which are crucial to in 2013 - has been supporting a variety
the well-being and harmony of the of faculty and student activities, including
community. awarding scholarships.