Page 8 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 3 2016
P. 8


                               NY-BASED ALUMNUS DONATES


                                    FOR CUHK SUMMER INTERNS

                                             “This sharing of experience with younger people
                                             is a very fulfilling experience.”

                                                                          - Dr William Cheung

                                                                             (蔣威廉醫生, MBChB 1987)

                                                 r William Cheung may live and work in New York as a private doctor.
                                             DBut his heart and passion to help young medical students remain in
                                             Hong Kong.
                                                  Besides being a specialist in internal medicine, hematology and
                                                    oncology, Dr Cheung is also very much a philanthropist - for
                                                     he has set up a HKD1 million dollar scholarship for medical
                                                      undergraduates from his alma mater, The Chinese University of
                                                       Hong Kong (CUHK) - who wish to experience the practicality
                                                        of life as a private doctor in New York.
                                                         But having summer interns in his clinic is nothing new. For
                                                           the past five years, Dr Cheung has been hosting interns.
                                                            Every summer he took in two to three students for six to
                                                              eight weeks picked by the New Asia College Alumni
                                                                Association of Greater New York.
                                                                    For the first three years he had no medical
                                                                      students. But two years ago he mentioned to
                                                                        the College he would like students from the
                                                                        medical school for a change and got his wish.
                                                                        He realised that the clinic enjoyed having
                                                                        the interns around and they had a lot of
                                                                        interaction with the staff and also with himself.
                                                                        “I found I could relate a lot of my clinical
                                                                        experience such as patient interaction to
                                                                        the students. And, as students, they were
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