Page 4 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 3 2016
P. 4



                hey could easily find satisfaction within the four walls of their clinics or hospitals - air-conditioning, good working
            Tfacilities, or delicious food on every street corner…
            But these physicians - a plastic surgeon, a gynaecologist and a surgical doctor - are finding work outside their
            comfort zone totally rewarding.




            “If you want to go fast, go by yourself; If you want
            to go far, go with your team.”

                                    - Dr Peter Pang Chi-wang

                                               (彭志宏醫生, MBChB 1994)

                                              centred around medical people.” Then   Dr Pang likes using the universal language
                                              he recounted a dinner he had with the   of music in his Rotary work. Earlier in
                                              then Chairman of the Department of   March, he empowered the Rotaractors
                                              Surgery, Professor Arthur Li, who did   to organise a "Peace Concert" with local
                                              not utter a single word about work   stars to deliver a peace message.
                                              during the whole evening. “I thought
                                              to myself, wow, can I also do it?”  The surgeon-Rotarian lives by this
                                                                               motto…”If you want to go fast, go
                                              He told his friends about it and they   by yourself; If you want to go far, go
                                              tried not talking about work-related   with your team.”
                                              stuff during a social gathering. “But,
                                              we all ended silent,” he laughingly   Dr Pang attributes his decisiveness and
                                              recalls. “I realised I know everything   leadership role to his surgical training
                                              about nothing. This is one of the   at CUHK. “And, we were taught by
                                              reasons why I joined the Rotary.”  Professor Joseph Lau that we have to
                                                                               do the right thing, at the right time.”
                                              One of Dr Pang’s Rotary projects is
                r Peter Pang is a private plastic                              He has this advice for medical students:
            Dsurgeon but if you think that is all   geared towards youth and career life   “Life is just not about career. Looking
            he does - you are mistaken. In fact, he   planning .               after one’s health while young is also
            has made sure he has time to offer free   “A lot of students in less prestigious   important. As a student you enjoy
            medical treatment for cleft lip and palate   schools do not have the opportunity   life, you don’t sleep and eat well. But
            patients in poverty-stricken areas in   or help to move up.“       after 20 years, you will start to feel the
            China. But his humanitarian work does                              effects. So get yourself prepared.”
            not stop there - he is also the current   “They need to know how to communicate,
            Rotary District Governor of Hong Kong,   especially during job interviews. If you are   Maintaining contact with parents,
            Macau, Guangzhou and Mongolia.    very clever but can’t do an interview, well,   upholding  integrity  and  doing
                                              you won’t get a job.”            humanitarian work are also crucial,
            “I joined Rotary because I wanted to                               he adds.
            expand my horizon to get to know   So mock interviews are arranged
            people from different walks of life better.”   for  them  and  Dr  Pang  will  get  a   Finally, he issues a challenge for budding
            And his need to know other people   one week job attachment for them   doctors: “Imagine you are attending
            from other professions stems from his   through his vast network of contacts.  your own funeral. What would you like
            experience while at medical school at The                          people to say about you?”
            Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).  Dr Pang is also subsidising accredited
                                              mediation courses for some 30 to 40   With that mind-boggling question,
            “When my friends and I gathered   young professionals. “Mediation can   the surgeon rushes out for his lunch
            socially we always talk-shopped -   help in their work as well as in their   before returning to tackle what is left
            about work, research and even gossip   family relationships,” he says.  of another busy day.
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