Page 5 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 3 2016
P. 5


                                                 COMMUNITY WORK WITH

                                UNDERPRIVILEGED WOMEN AND

                                                  CHILDREN ENRICHES LIFE

                                                            OF GYNAECOLOGIST

                                           “After one or two years (the Yi children) can sing, write
                                              you letters and greeting cards (in Putonghua)….it’s
                                                                     really rewarding and satisfying.”

                                                                - Dr Mona Lam Wai-cheung

                                                                               (林慧翔醫生, MBChB 1999)

                r Mona Lam had always wanted   trying to make her comfortable. She
            Dto do community service. Even    had never done it before and was
            though a busy doctor working in the   feeling anxious and embarrassed.”
            Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G)
            departments  at  Tseung  Kwan  O   After the hug, which took Dr Lam
            and United Christian hospitals,  she   by  surprise,  she  got  to  thinking
            devotes whatever time she has to   how  something  so  simple  -  that
            helping  underprivileged  women,   she does routinely in hospital as a
            both locally and in mainland China.  gynaecologist - could mean so much
                                              to women like the Nepali lady.
            Dr Lam first began her charity work
            in Ruyuan after someone told her   Dr Lam is also heavily involved in
            about a trip, organised by the Hong   RainLily - an organisation to help
            Kong Women Doctors' Association   sexually  abused  women  -  again
            (HKWDA), to the county to do body   targetting new immigrants, ethnic
            checks on village women. The rest is   minorities and domestic helpers.
            history.                                                           Dr Lam and other Hong Kong medical
                                              “At the very beginning I was their   specialists would also train doctors
            “Initially, I joined as a participant and   hotline volunteer and then I became   and nurses in Sichuan and Yunnan
            then the HKWDA told me if I was   a trainer.” She is now an executive   and help in case analyses during their
            interested, I can be an organiser.”  committee member.             Morbidity, Mortality Meeting.

            She started as a member, then became   Another project - which started her   Dr Lam says one of the CUHK lecturers
            the vice chairlady of its Community   on the road to community service   inspired her greatly - Professor Allan
            Service Committee and is currently the   and one which she holds dear to this   Chang, who headed the Prince of
            chairlady.                        day - is helping children of the Yi   Wales Hospital’s O&G department at
                                              tribe in Sichuan.                one point.
            One event Dr Lam does regularly
            in Hong Kong is Ripples Action, in   In collaboration with an NGO there,   “He  said  obstetrics  is  the  most
            collaboration with the International   the HKWDA found sponsors for 50   gratifying specialty. However, there will
            Social Service (Hong Kong) branch and   deserving children to go to school.  be extreme sadness when there's an
            other professional women groups.                                   unfavourable outcome,” she recalls.
                                              “In the beginning, these children
            Here they offer free cervical screening   couldn't communicate,” says Dr Lam.   “I witnessed what he said when I was
            for women from low income families,   “I spoke little Putonghua and they   a student, and I'm 'experiencing'
            new immigrants and ethnic minorities, as   only spoke in their tribal language.   what he meant as a doctor.”
            well as conduct stress tests, via surveys.
                                              “But after one or two years they   But that has not stopped Dr Lam. For
            Dr Lam recalls how a Nepali woman   could  speak  fluent  Putonghua.   her efforts in community work, she was
            had hugged after her cervical screening.   They can sing, write you letters and   given the 8th Hong Kong Outstanding
            “I wasn’t actually doing the procedure.   greeting cards…it’s really rewarding   Women Volunteers Award by the HK
            I was like a nurse, ushering her in and   and satisfying.”         YWCA in March last year.
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