Page 4 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 13 2020
P. 4


                                                                                               Dr. Ronald AU
                                                                                   區家輝醫生 (MBChB 1993)

      Soaring to the Skies Keeps this Doctor  許多人只把夢想當作白日夢,偏偏就有一位
      Firmly Grounded and Balanced                                              醫生用行動證明了可將夢想化為現實。

      衝上雲霄,讓人頭腦清晰明智                                                             受父親影響愛上飛行
                                                                                衞生防護中心公共衞生服務處高級醫生 ( 胸肺
                                                                                科 ) 區家輝醫生,由於父親當年曾在英國皇家
               early everyone dreams of flying  could barely contain his excitement when  海軍航空母艦上當裁縫,小時候經常接觸航
               but for many of us, it remains  his instructor told him...“You have   母甲板上的飛機照片,令他產生了對飛行的
      N a pipe dream. But one doctor  control.” He was flying a real aircraft - a   興趣。
      has proven that it does not have to be. For  Cessna 152!
      nearly 25 years, Dr. Ronald AU, has had                                   機緣巧合下,實習期間受到一位有飛行員執
      the pleasure of being both a doctor and a  He described the airborne experience   照的護士鼓勵,區醫生當上機師,實現了兩
      pilot at the same time.               as if he was a kid jumping into the sea   個夢想的人生 :「其實醫生和機師有許多共通
                                            without floaters for the first time. With his
      He says medical training and pilot training  adrenaline pumping, he used excessive   時度勢,處變不驚。」
      are “synergistic”. “Whatever elements I  force on the controls. “My instructor told
      carry in my medical practice also apply  me to handle the aircraft like it was my   對飛行熱愛永不減退
      to flying…discipline, accuracy, good  girlfriend…gentle, smooth, and firm,” he   區醫生還記得第一次全權控制飛機時,他興
      planning, prioritisation of multiple tasks,  laughingly recalls.          奮得難以形容,之後跟隨傳統敲響象徵著首
      situation awareness, knowing the limits                                   次成功單飛的『first solo bell』,與朋友一
      and staying calm in an emergency.”    The day he was given the green light to   起喝酒慶祝。區醫生說:「就算二十年後我
                                            fly solo, he felt his heart pounding and his   還開著同一款飛機,用同一個機場,只要每
      Fate led him to fly                   palms getting very sweaty. “I took a deep   次飛上晴空,都能令我煥然一新,我想這就
      Dr. AU works for the Centre for Health  breath and prayed…may God fly with   是 work-life balance 的魔力。」
      Protection’s TB and Chest Service as a  me.”
      Senior Medical and Health Officer. His
      journey of flying began “unintentionally.”  The magic of work-life balance
                                            When it was time to land, thoughts like
      “My father was a tailor on an aircraft  “Can I get down in one piece?” crept
      carrier with the British Royal Navy. He  in. But he needn’t have worried as he
      used to post photos of the aircraft carrier  managed to land successfully. “I felt such
      with planes on the deck around my  joy and satisfaction. Afterwards, I rang the
      study corner. These photos, with their  legendary ‘first solo bell’ and treated my
      fascinating stories, aroused my interest in  club fellows to a round of drinks!”
                                            Dr. AU takes to the skies around twice
      And as fate would have it, during his  a month to keep up with his skills and
      first posting as an intern, he met an  proficiency, bump up his flight hours for
      aviator who was a nurse. “He became  the annual renewal of his licence and
      a professional pilot after completing his  more importantly, to satisfy his passion
      Private Pilot Licence (PPL) training in the  for flying.“Even though it may be the
      Hong Kong Aviation Club.” His aviator  same  aircraft  type  and  same  airport
      friend proposed that he join the club as a  after more than two decades, I still get
      flying member as well, and he did.    very excited every time I go flying. And
                                            after flying, I always feel refreshed and
      Handle aircraft like a girlfriend     balanced. For me, this is the magic of
      A year later, it was his turn to soar. He   work-life balance.”
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