Page 7 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 13 2020
P. 7

Dr. Jimmy LI
                                                                                      李澤民醫生 (MBChB 1998)

      Love for Windsurfing Triggers Opening                                     對於外科專科醫生李澤民醫生而言,大海是
      of Student Sailing Club on Campus                                         及整理思緒的地方。他笑說:「基本上我挺
      讓滑浪風帆的熱情蔓延校園                                                              隨風而行吧。」

              o r D r. J i m m y L I, t h e s e a  Best times in campus involved   李醫生於 1992 年時,與幾位風帆發燒友以幾
              represents  many things - it is  water activities                 隻舊船在中大創立了帆船學會,沉醉於風帆
      F a place for him to relax, take  And he learnt all about sacrifices when   的他現在只要有半天假期、三四個小時,便
      in the sea breeze and fresh air and  he was a medical student. “I used to   會去玩風帆。由於滑浪風帆需要考慮天氣因
      organise his thoughts. “I’m basically an  watch others sailing in Tolo Harbour   素,相比其他運動難度更高,挑戰性令李醫
      environmentally-friendly person…and  from the library but I couldn't go down   生更為著迷。外科醫生忙碌的日程,總是令
      a bit lazy too, I guess,” he laughs. “I let  to join them. I knew I had to make some   李醫生無法全身投入滑浪風帆,不過他早已
      the wind do all the work.”           sacrifices. Besides foregoing my leisure   懂得要有所選擇及犧牲,因為病人是最重要
                                           time, I even had to sacrifice spending   的。
      When Dr. LI joined CUHK medical school  time with my family because I had to
      in 1992, he found that the water sports  study.”                          重中之重
      centre only had a staff boat club and a                                   無論是做醫生還是玩風帆,李醫生認為都必
      canoe club but no sailing club. So he,  Still, he describes his water activities   須「非常謹慎」及「作最壞準備」:「啟航
      together with other sailing enthusiasts,  during campus days as being his most   前,我們要謹慎預測,為極端天氣作好準備;
      scoured around for old, discarded boats  memorable. “I had the best times during   在提供臨床服務以及處理複雜的病例時更應
      and repaired them and lo and behold,  university days because I used to go
      he got himself a sailing club. Needless  sailing with students from the other   如是 ! 」
      to say, Dr. LI is the founder of CUHK’s  faculties. It was great.”
      student sailing club.
                                           Important elements: caution and
      Windsurfing harder than most sports  preparedness
      Dr. LI’s love affair with the sea started  Two very valuable lessons he picked
      years ago when he took up a summer  up in medicine and sailing is that one
      course in his early teens. These days,  has to be very cautious and anticipate
      he only indulges in sailing and mostly,  difficulties. “For example, before you set
      in windsurfing. With windsurfing, he  sail, you need to estimate the weather
      can take half a day off from work as he  conditions. You need to look out for
      only needs three to four hours. “I think  extreme weather and prepare yourself.
      windsurfing is harder than any other  Just like in clinical practice, we have to
      sports as they don’t have the weather  be extremely cautious and well-prepared
      to contend with. Sometimes the day  when we are treating patients, especially
      may look nice and sunny but there is no  those with complicated conditions.”
      wind,” he explains.
                                           Nowadays if he has time to pry away
      He also scuba dives but not as much as  from work, he would head to the CUHK
      he would like to. His busy schedule as a  Water Sports Centre because... “There
      surgeon does not offer him much  is plenty of parking space, changing
      time for windsurfing. “I always place  rooms and storage for boats.”
      my patients first, then my family. My
      personal interests will have to wait. Until  Dr.  LI  says anyone  can  take  up
      one is truly retired, one has to make  windsurfing…“It isn’t that difficult but
      sacrifices.”                         you must take up a training course first.”          Scan to enjoy interview videos:
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