Page 5 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 13 2020
P. 5
Dr. Hing Sang CHAN
陳慶生醫生 (MBChB 1998)
Flying Imbues a Sense of Humbleness 陳慶生醫生,耳鼻喉專科醫生。他除了是位醫
and Huge Respect for Nature 機師之一。
在天空飛翔,讓人學會謙卑和對大自然的 駕駛直升機的吸引之處
尊敬 機非常適合香港的多山地形、狹窄空域和屈指
eet Dr. Hing Sang CHAN. Romantic moments in the skies 能性。」
Besides being a physician, Being a helicopter pilot does have its
M he also has the privilege and memorable, and romantic moments. A 陳醫生對飛行的興趣,始於小時候經常到啟德
distinction of being one of the first private year after obtaining his helicopter licence, 機場看飛機升降。現在的他在嘗試了許多不同
helicopter graduates in Hong Kong. he got married. On the day of his wedding, 的飛行體驗後,感受更深:「當飛機升離地面
two helicopters - one with him and his 時,所有事物都變得那麼微不足道,這時你便
Dr. CHAN, an ENT specialist, obtained his wife and the other, with their parents - 學會謙卑和怎樣尊敬大自然。」
fixed-wing aircraft Private Pilot Licence flew from the HKAC grounds to Victoria
(PPL) from the Hong Kong Aviation Club Harbour and over to Tsing Ma Bridge. He 飛行和醫學的共通點
(HKAC) in 2004. When the Club started did not fly the copter himself because his 陳醫生說,駕駛直升機和習醫看似風馬牛不相
helicopter training in 2006, he jumped at instructor felt that he would be too excited 及,其實有著很多共通點:「兩者都需要紮實
the chance. to be concentrating. “However, a few 的基礎知識,正確地運用;以及危機處理,了
days before the wedding, my bride-to-be 解技術的局限性;還有迅速處理危機等。」現
Many advantages flying a helicopter and I had our photo-shoot and I flew the 在陳醫生只會在周末和假期時享受飛翔樂趣:
“A helicopter can fly low. It can do helicopter myself.” 「照顧病人永遠是我的首要任務。」
stationary hovering and does not rely on
a runway for take-off and landing. These Asked if he was lucky to have found a
advantages fit perfectly with Hong Kong’s life partner who was not aerophobic, he
mountainous terrain, tight airspace and jokingly responds... “I wouldn't have gone
limited availability of runway,” he explains. out with a girl who’s afraid of flying.”
“It is truly versatile…it can be a car, a boat
and aircraft all at the same time." Shared traits in flying and medicine
Flying a helicopter and practising medicine
Dr. CHAN’s interest in flying started with have a lot in common, he says. “Both
the old Kai Tak airport. He used to watch require a solid knowledge foundation and
with wonderment planes taking off and transforming knowledge into practical
landing. “I was amazed by the precision, applications. They also involve risk
mightiness and the science of flying. management. We have to learn about
I could spend the whole morning or limitations, how to detect problems early
afternoon at the airport, taking photos and on, make correct diagnoses and quickly
studying different types of aircraft.” spring into action in case of emergencies.”
He joined the Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps Dr. CHAN only flies on weekends and
(HKACC) and in 1992, was fortunate to be during his annual leave. “Patients will
sent to the Netherlands on an exchange always be my first priority.”
programme. There, he experienced flying
in different types of aircraft, ranging from Being good in science subjects and fluent
gliders to military jets. “When a plane lifts in English are two important prerequisites
off the ground, all things, including yourself, for becoming a pilot, he says. “And
become so insignificant. You learn to be remember, helicopter flying is not for those
humble and to respect Mother Nature." who are afraid of heights and the G-force!”