Page 9 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 1 Vol 13 2020
P. 9

Prior to the Hong Kong Children’s    As for Dr. TAM, he hopes to see a     早在香港兒童醫院在 2018 年 12月正式啟用前,
      Hospital, there have been three paediatric   well-defined sub-specialisation    擁有豐富小兒外科專科經驗的梁偉業醫生和譚
      surgical centres at PWH, Queen Mary   development among paediatric surgeons   煜謙醫生便已投入參與,商討如何將香港不同
      Hospital (QMH) and Queen Elizabeth   in HKCH. He says clinical outcomes
      Hospital (QEH). They have worked     would continue to improve only when   醫院的小兒外科中心合併,提高醫療服務質素。
      independently, had their own protocols   paediatric surgeons develop their own
      and their own teams. “So you can     sub-specialty interests.              非僅是一個醫院項目
      imagine the challenges we all faced,” he                                   梁 偉業 醫 生 解 釋,這 並 非 僅 是 一 個醫 院
      explains. “We are from different centres   “Nowadays, because of the advance in   項目,更 是 香 港 整 個 小兒 外 科 服 務 的 搬 遷
      and obviously, people do things differently   medical technology and concepts and   整 合:「我 們 不 但 要 設 計 新 病 房 的 設 備 配
      and have different opinions.”        with surgical procedures getting more
                                           complicated, outcomes won’t be that   置,還 要 協 助購 買 儀 器,並 將 複 雜 的 外 科
      After meticulous planning and numerous   good if you can’t focus on one area. In the   服務包括新生兒手術和腫瘤手術等通通整
      discussions among the paediatric surgical   old days, it was different. Surgeons could   合 到香 港 兒 童 醫院 內,計劃 十 分 龐 大。」
      centres on manpower deployment,      operate on the brain, the toe, the uterus,
      cases allocation and patient transfer   almost everything. But these days, no!”  籌辦小兒外科的莫大挑戰
      arrangements, the centre at Queen                                          在籌備香港兒童醫院期間,譚煜謙醫生參與了小
      Elizabeth Hospital completed its move to   He expressed the hope that more time
      HKCH in July 2019.                   and effort will be spent on elective   兒外科附屬專科工作小組,他回想當時是個非
                                           surgery. “We’ll try to identify doctors who   常複雜的歷程:「因為涉及到來自三間分別處於
      Watching HKCH develop likened to     can sub-specialise in certain areas so that   威爾斯親王醫院、瑪麗醫院和伊利沙伯醫院的
      watching baby being born             they can focus on that particular area and   小兒外科中心,與來自不同醫院的專業人員合
      The PWH centre still  functions but its   accumulate the experience over time.”  作,是個很大的挑戰。」
      paediatric surgeons are also now on the
      payroll of HKCH, Dr. TAM explains. “My   Despite the challenges, both Dr. LEUNG   儘管面對許多困難,梁醫生和譚醫生兩位均表
      role is to ensure the proper allocation of   and Dr. TAM say working with other   示,能夠與其他醫療專業人員一起創建香港兒
      manpower in order to provide services   healthcare professionals towards building
      to HKCH while maintaining services in   up HKCH is a lifetime opportunity for   童醫院,絕對是為社會留下畢生貢獻的難得機
      PWH.”                                them…something they are very proud of.   會,也是值得自豪的成就。
      His other major role in HKCH is to provide
      training and services in the sub-specialty
      areas. “I have strong clinical and research
      interests in paediatric urology, minimally
      invasive surgery and neonatal surgery.”

      The merging of different paediatric centres
      also proved challenging for Dr. LEUNG. “I
      have been working in QEH for 28 years
      so I know all my colleagues in the different
      departments quite well. In this current
      position, I had to ‘reboot’ and collaborate
      with new colleagues for my clinical
      and administrative duties,” he says.
      “Fortunately, we got tremendous support
      from colleagues in the different paediatric
      surgical centres.”
      He describes watching HKCH materialise
      over the years as “watching a baby, since
      its conception, being born for the first
      A lifetime opportunity to leave behind
      a legacy
      He says since HKCH is still in its infant
      stage, they are focusing  on  clinical
      services for now. “Clinical service is the
      most important area for us right now.
      After that, we will gradually focus on other
      areas like training and research in the
      field of paediatric surgery. And, we can
      only do this in collaboration with other
      departments in this hospital as well as
      stakeholders outside the hospital such as            Scan to enjoy interview videos:
      other public doctors, the government and
      patient groups.”
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