Page 15 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 12 2019
P. 15

Connecting with mBChB Alumni via CU mAp

           Your medical social media platform CU MAP (CU Medical Alumni
           Platform), now goes LIVE! On becoming members, our alumni can
           conduct simple or advanced searches for alumni of any graduation
           year, specialties and sub-specialties, clinical expertise, interests and

           It allows members to add friends who are also MBChB alumni,
           upload their business cards, personalise privacy settings to their
           posts and send private messages. CU MAP supports desktop or
           mobile devices with automated size responsive function that our
           alumni can use to log into the system with their smartphones.

           Sign up to be a member of the community and when you invite
           5 MBChB alumni to also join CU MAP, you’ll get a limited edition
           Medic Bear pen stand or Surgeon Bear name card stand for free!

                            Scan to register now!


                                                                      Reunion of Class 1996

                                                                      Never let it be said that “the bigger, the better”…
                                                                      a gathering of 14 alumni of Class 1996 at the Hong
                                                                      Kong Old Restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui on 10 April
                                                                      2019, has just proven that as long as there was
                                                                      delicious food and good company, anyone could have
                                                                      a great time.

                                                                      And that was just what these doctors had - a fabulous
                                                                      time swapping stories, reminiscing and, at the same
                                                                      time, showing comradery and support for each other.

            Article and photo Contribution

            For all those who love to write … here is your chance.

            Send us stories about your memorable experiences such as a new move in your career and life or how joyous you felt
            when you won a prize or an award - just anything interesting you think is worth sharing with us.

            Articles can be in English or Chinese (approx: 500 words). Photos are welcome.

            Only selected stories by the Editorial Board will be published.

            Send your articles to:

            ** Please provide Œ your name  graduation year Žemail contact numbers

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