Page 10 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 12 2019
P. 10

Teachers of the year Awards 2019

                                                 To Inspire…and Be Inspired


        These  doctors  have devoted  their
        personal time to educating students of
        the medical school of CUHK despite their
        busy work schedules. For their dedication
        and sacrifice, they have been presented
        Teachers of the Year Awards 2019.

        Innovative teaching matters
        Dr Isaac Bruce Yang 楊鼎基醫生
        (MBChB  2006) was given the honour
        of being the first physician to nab the
        newly-created Alumni Teaching Award  A great teacher inspires
        (MBChB). Currently a private orthopaedic  But what makes these doctors tap into
        surgeon, he has been teaching anatomy  education? Apart from the strong teaching   MBChB Alumni Awardees of
        and orthopaedics at CUHK since 2014.  culture within the team, both Dr Ma and     Teachers of
        “When I teach dissection, I would turn  Dr Ip say they were inspired by the late
        those nerves, blood vessels, bones and  Professor Leung Sing-fai (Oncology).   the Year Awards 2019
        other body parts of the ‘silent teacher’  Dr Ip recalls what Professor Leung
        into a story – a patient case that illustrates  had said…‘When the sky is dark enough,   Medicine (Year 4)
        different symptoms when suffering from  you can see the stars’. “I shall always be   Professor Mamie Hui 許明媚教授 (MBChB 1994)
        a particular disease.” To create a fun and  grateful for his words of enlightenment.   Dr Joseph Wong Ho-ching 黃河清醫生 (MBChB 1997)
        clinically-relevant learning experience, he  They remind me not to give up on my      Medicine (Year 6)
        would invite muscular male students for  dream – I have to stand up and serve my   Professor Thomas Leung Wai-hong 梁慧康教授 (MBChB 1995)
        demonstration, he laughingly adds. “It is  patients even when I face uncertainties   Professor Simon Ng Siu-man 吳兆文教授 (MBChB 1995)
        important for students to feel the ‘normal’  and difficulties.” Dr Ma’s recollection of
        muscle strength so that in the future, they  Professor Leung was that he was a life   Public Health
        will be able to examine patients for any  coach who taught beyond textbooks.   Professor Kwok Kin-on 郭健安教授 (MBChB 1993)
        abnormalities.”                    “Before his departure, he gave us all his
                                           teaching materials and made sure we    Medical Officer Teaching Award (MBChB Year 6)
        Cater to student needs             would keep teaching no matter what,”     Dr Karen Ma Ka-yan 馬家恩醫生 (MBChB 2011)
        Dr Karen Ma Ka-yan  馬家恩醫生  she says.                                      Dr Bonaventure Ip Yiu-ming 葉耀明醫生 (MBChB 2012)
        (MBChB 2011) and Dr Bonaventure Ip                                        Medical Officer Teaching Award (MBChB Year 5)
        Yiu-ming 葉耀明醫生 (MBChB 2012),  The joys of teaching                         Dr Angel Kwan Hoi-wan 關凱尹醫生 (MBChB 2013)
        both Resident Specialists at the Prince of  The fulfillment of teaching is also a
        Wales Hospital’s Department of Medicine  motivating factor for the doctors. They say   Alumni Teaching Award (MBChB)
        & Therapeutics, were the recipients of the  they are impressed by the up-and-coming   Dr Isaac Bruce Yang 楊鼎基醫生 (MBChB 2006)
        Medical Officer Teaching Award (MBChB  physicians. “They often ask challenging
        Year 6).                           questions. I see it as ‘one teaches, two      Faculty Education Award
                                           learn’,” Dr Yang explains. He says his   Professor Paul Lai Bo-san 賴寶山教授 (MBChB 1990)
        They  say they  also  value  a  practical  first batch of students have now become
        teaching approach. Since graduating,  his colleagues in the ward and operating
        they have become clinical tutors and  theatres. Seeing his former students in
        are now teaching neurology and general  action makes him feel that all his hard
        medicine.                          work has paid off as his “teaching has
                                           been transformed into real acts of helping
        “With the increased number of medical  patients”.
        students as well as increase in doctors’
        workload, we have to make sure there  Dr Ma and Dr Ip share the sentiment.
        are ample opportunities for students to  And Dr Ip finds a quote by CUHK’s
        practise their hands-on medical skills,”  former Vice-Chancellor, Professor
        Dr Ma says. “Two or three medical students  Joseph Sung, particularly useful when
        will shadow one resident doctor for a  teaching. “Professor Sung had said
        week. This will allow them to experience  ‘each generation differs’, so it’s hard to
        what it is like to be a doctor and start  compare. My motto is…treat students the     Scan to enjoy interview videos:
        preparing themselves for their career.”  way you would treat your younger self.”

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