Page 6 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 12 2019
P. 6
Throughout this journey, I kept
reminding myself to keep my
passion and enthusiasm alive.
Dr Sarah Choi Ping-shu
蔡秉書醫生 (MBChB 2004)
A dream Fulfilled…from heartbeats of Toys to
heartbeats of humans
「三歲定八十」 以熱情和衝勁成就夢想
r Sarah Choi’s heart has always into a much sought-after training fellowship. 受到熱愛醫學的工程師父親影響,當蔡秉書醫生
been in medicine. Even before “This was a life-changing step. After my 還在牙牙學語,便已模仿醫生用聽筒聆聽毛公仔
D she learnt to speak, she would fellowship, I was fortunate enough - 的心跳。長大後,她毫不猶疑選讀醫科,在
mimic her engineer father - who she has again - to be offered a prestigious job as 中大學習和實習期間,她發現自己具應變能力,
described as a “keen learner with a strong consultant and surgical trainer in metro 往往能當機立斷應付緊急情況,而這些都是
interest in human medicine” - by listening Sydney.” 處理產科危機的關鍵,加上善於與女病人溝
to the heartbeat of her stuffed toys with a 通,理解她們的需要,這些都促使她選擇到威
stethoscope. So it was a no-brainer that Everyday a learning experience 爾斯親王醫院婦產科工作。此期間,因受到不
she would take up medicine when the Today, she is a gynaecologic pelvic 少出色的外科醫生啟發,故有機會培養對腹
time came. surgeon, specialising in surgical anatomy, 腔鏡盤腔手術的興趣。在行醫路上,她常記
laparoscopic and robotic procedures. As 掛著中大已故腫瘤科教授梁承暉醫生的一句
“During my medical school and internship a gynaecologist, she deals with women
at CUHK, I discovered my interests and of different cultural beliefs. “For instance, 在 2011 年時,蔡醫生移居澳洲,其時盤腔手
capabilities in emergency management indigenous women tend to take their 術的發展在歐美和澳洲均較香港迅速,在前中
and prompt decision-making, which placentas home for burial or process 大講師 Chris Haines 教授的鼓勵下,她申請一
are crucial in obstetric crises,” she them for consumption. This is unheard of 個競爭激烈的院士培訓計劃,並獲成功取錄,
says. “I also felt that I could connect to in Hong Kong.” 可說是她改變人生的契機。
female patients exceptionally well.”
Her initial challenge? “Understanding 成為院士後,蔡醫生便留居悉尼擔任外科培訓
Be passionate and enthusiastic English in different accents,” she laughs. 及顧問一職,而作為婦科醫生的她,專責外
While at the Department of Obstetrics Dr Choi works with people from diverse 科解剖、腹腔鏡和機械臂手術,每日面對的
and Gynaecology of the Prince of Wales backgrounds. 是來自不同文化背景的女性,包括會把胎盤
Hospital, she came across “gifted surgeons” 埋在花園、甚至有進食胎盤習慣的原住民。
who inspired her to devote herself to Learning from the best 最初,要聽明白不同口音的英文,對蔡醫生
laparoscopic pelvic surgery. “Throughout She says working and studying in CUHK 而言是挑戰。不過,她說中大讓她在「最頂
this journey, I kept reminding myself of what allowed her to learn from “the best of the 尖」的環境裡學習,因此培養出勤奮、處事
the late Professor Leung Sing-fai of CUHK best”. “I would say the school transformed 嚴謹和有效率的個性,令她畢生受用。
(Oncology) had said…Keep your passion me to be efficient, meticulous and diligent.
and enthusiasm alive." It equipped me well for what I am doing 蔡醫生喜愛寓工作於旅遊,去年她已遊歷
today.” 13 個國家!儘管工時長,傍晚她仍到健身房
Dr Choi moved to Australia in 2011 揮汗舉重,周末亦愛踏足悉尼海港不同的市集。
to pursue a two-year post-specialist She loves it that her chosen path 「敢想敢創、成為一個有準備、擁抱多元文化且
fellowship. She was determined to achieve combines work with travel. Last year 思想開放的人」,這是蔡醫生送上的錦囊。
her dream of becoming a laparoscopic alone she visited 13 countries! Outside
gynaecologic surgeon. Pelvic surgery her long working hours, you can find
was considered a booming sub-specialty her “sweating from lifting weights in
in Europe, America and Australia then, the gym in the evening, or hopping
unlike in Hong Kong, where there was among the weekend markets and
no structured training programme. vibrant eateries at Sydney Harbour.”
Encouraged by a former CUHK lecturer, Her advice - be imaginative, think big,
Professor Chris Haines, she was accepted embrace diversity.