Page 8 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 12 2019
P. 8

Stay Committed as a doctor

                                                 despite life-changing Roles

                                                 人生角色常變  行醫初衷未變

                                                                  Doctors can gain patients’ trust and
                                                                  respect by being humble and treating
                                                                  them with professionalism.

                                                                                       Dr Pang Lai-sheung
                                                                                      彭麗嫦醫生  (MBChB 1993)

                      edical practice and  was very challenging for Dr Pang when  private healthcare providers to keep
                      commercial operation  she was tasked with the commercial  abreast with the social changes and
          M  may seem divergent, but  operational side of things involving  medical trends.
          Dr Pang Lai-sheung has proven that the  rental, staff recruitment and resource
          two can be merged successfully. After  allocation. But she bit the bullet and  Dr Pang thinks that human-centred
          serving as a public hospital doctor, she  achieved them step by step while  service is the key to running clinics
          set off on her entrepreneurial journey in  staying committed to her original motive  – one has to step into the shoes of
          July 1997, launching her first medical  – to help patients with professional  patients and consumers to really
          centre in Sau Mau Ping with her partner.  medical ethics.            understand their needs. It is also crucial
                                                                               to be innovative, attract dedicated
          It all began with an opportunity to work  Patients’ interests the motivation  medical professionals, adopt the latest
          in a private community clinic and she   for overcoming challenges    medical developments and bring
          found it very fulfilling to be able to know   Unlike the public healthcare system,   them to the community. The biggest
          more about patients during consultation.   private healthcare providers have   motivation, says Dr Pang, is patients in
          Today, Dr Pang is the Chief Medical   to ensure they reach break-even   the community returning to them.
          Officer and cofounder of a Hong Kong-  point as well as communicate
          listed medical group which operates   with pharmaceutical suppliers and  Taking medical researches to
          over 70 healthcare centres in Hong   counterparts within the trade and so  the community
          Kong and the mainland.            forth. They also have to collaborate with  Private healthcare providers, according
                                            social welfare organisations, university  to Dr Pang, can be more flexible in
          Setting up healthcare centres requires   research centres, med-tech startups  resource deployment therefore allowing
          different skills and knowledge from   and even insurance companies. All of  doctors to work part-time if they need
          those of being a medical doctor. So it   these explain why it is important for  to. At the same time, both doctors

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