Page 9 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 12 2019
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and private healthcare providers have the 商業經營,與醫生行醫的本業看似南轅北轍,但在 1997 年 7 月,彭麗嫦醫生卻與合
responsibility to contribute to the community 夥人首次在秀茂坪開設醫務中心,從此踏上創業旅程。這一切,緣於她仍在公立醫
by applying their medical knowledge. One 院急症室工作時,偶然獲機會在私家診所代診,發現原來在醫院外的世界有更多機
of which is cross-disciplinary collaboration 會能與病人溝通接觸,那份滿足感驅使她創立為社區提供醫療服務的醫務中心,踏
with universities, technology companies 上事業的另一階段。如今,彭醫生已是本港上市的醫療集團始創人之一及首席醫務
and charity organisations to introduce 總監,管理中港兩地逾七十間醫務中心。
the latest treatment and screening to the
community. By doing so, Dr Pang says, both 病人的回饋是迎難而上的原動力
the cost control and patient affordability 由醫學院的訓練,以至在公立醫院實習、行醫,彭醫生多年孜孜不倦學習,是如何
have to be taken into consideration, and it 診症、治理病人;但成立醫務中心卻是另一門學問 -- 商業經營:從物色舖位、與業
is vital to introduce new technology to the 主商談租務、聘請員工、以至應付「燈油火蠟」等開支,對從未涉足商業圈的她卻
public in layman’s terms so as to increase 是荊棘滿途,她直言不諱從不敢抱有太大期望,一切只能抱著彰顯醫德、助人助己
patients’ understanding and acceptability. In 的初衷,硬著頭皮一步一步去做。
addition to disease treatment, implementing
screening tests in the community would 與公立醫院的體制不同,私營醫療既要顧及本身收支平衡,亦要應付不同病人的要
contribute to health advocacy, she adds. 求、處理同業和藥物供應商之間的溝通、以及與其他行業的配合等等,需要面對的
Back to basics 務、醫治病人了。不過只要社區有醫療需求,病人的回饋便成了彭醫生最大的原動
For more than 20 years, the role of Dr Pang 力,使她迎難而上。彭醫生指,經營醫療中心應以人心稱身為本,站於不同的角度
has been changing - from practising in the 看人和事,了解病人、更要滿足消費者的需要;此外,需本著求新創新的理念,廣
public sector to providing private healthcare 納志同道合的醫療人才,不時採納最新的醫學研究,推廣至社區,才可與時並進。
services. She felt the need to embark on an
intellectually stimulating journey when her 將醫學科研成果帶進社區
enterprise was developing from strength to 彭醫生認為,私營醫療機構運作較能靈活調配資源,醫生可享有較彈性的工作時間,
strength. Few years ago, she returned to 有助豐富自己的人生;但另一方面,醫生亦有責任運用自己的醫學知識,為社區作
school and completed an EMBA in 2014, 出貢獻。
where she learnt all about management – a
totally different discipline from her bachelor 儘管是商業經營的醫務中心,其實也可透過與大學、科研公司及慈善團體等跨領域
of medicine studies. At the same time she 合作,將最新研發的治療或檢測技術帶進社區。彭醫生明言提供服務時除了考慮成
connected with international classmates 本控制,並要顧及市民對新治療或技術的負擔能力和接受度,故此要殫精竭慮簡化
from different backgrounds. For Dr Pang, 艱深的研究知識,讓普羅大眾認識。她相信醫病以外,若能在預防或及早檢測疾病
not only was the journey a mind-blowing 方面著手,自能可推動社會更加關注個人健康。
and rejuvenating experience, it also made
her understand the importance about being 勇於嘗試回到校園
modest. 由公立醫院行醫,乃至投身私營醫療行業,逾廿多年來彭醫生的工作不斷轉型,隨
A time to give 足。幾年前隨著經營漸上軌道,她放下凡塵俗務回到校園,於 2014 年修畢行政人員
Dr Pang believes that every doctor has 工商管理碩士(EMBA),既是學習與自己本科完全不同的管理知識,也接觸到來自
to be socially responsible by engaging in 不同國家和背景的同學,眼界大開之餘,也意識到虛心學習的重要。
community philanthropy. That is why she
dedicates herself to community service, 工作以外積極回饋社會
providing charitable institutions with 工作以外,彭醫生認為每位醫者都有一種社會責任,這種
resources to achieve their goals. As an 責任應無分國界地域,只有親身體驗參與社區公益事
alumna of CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine, 務,與社區接軌,感受才會真切實在。因此她不僅
Dr Pang also shares her experience in 熱心公益,義務借出資源予慈善團體,實踐自己的
career development with medical students 理念,更不時以校友身份回到母校,與醫學院的
from time to time. 師弟妹分享行醫路上的體驗。
In the eyes of Dr Pang, life is about learning 彭醫生認為人生是需要不斷學習,她深信學
and trying if one thinks it’s the right fit or 海無涯,唯勤是岸。待人處世,只要凡事審
right time to do so – and also prepare for 時度勢,未雨綢繆,便可勇往直前向目標
the worst. Her philosophy: never forget your 邁進。她寄語即使人生角色常變,也勿忘
intention of being a doctor, no matter how 行醫初衷。
your role in life changes.
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