Page 12 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 12 2019
P. 12

Collegiality and Innovation…

          A painting by Surgeons

                                                              Innovation in the midst of gruelling career
                                                              Dr Wong, who specialises in Western art, says he is
                                                              proud of the way they had combined Chinese art,
                                                              calligraphy and Western-style painting. Like the other
                                                              three surgeons-slash-artists, his love for art is what keeps
                                                              him going. "We are now facing challenges of long working
                                                              hours. If you truly treat your career as work, you will
                                                              suffocate and burn out. But for us, we love our job as well
                                                              as art.”
          It’s definitely one for the record books - a painting
          depicting the daily work of surgeons…by surgeons.
                                                              Combine empathy with science
                                                              in treatment of patients
          Besides being artistically talented, these four doctors   Professor Chiu's message is that
          have another thing in common - they are world-renowned   as a medical doctor, one should not
          surgical specialists in minimally invasive surgery –   always apply medical knowledge to
          Professors Philip Chiu and Enders Ng specialise in   treat a patient. “We need the skills
          upper GI, Professor Anthony Yim in thoracic surgery and   of  interpersonal  communication,
          Dr Randolph Wong is a cardiothoracic surgeon. They   like combining art with science. The
          also all work at the Prince of Wales Hospital except that   painting is a demonstration of how
          Professor Yim has since retired.
                                                              a surgeon can adopt an art skill and
                                                              participate in a surgical conference as   á Painting of
          Their unique art piece offers an incredible peek into   well.”                          Professor Philip Chiu
          two operations in action through a mirror in front of the
          scrub sink. The reflection of the room at the front shows
          a surgeon performing endoscopy, while on the right, an
          aortic stenting procedure is taking place.

          Painting conceptualises cycle of life in OT                                                 ß Paintings of
                                                                                                      Professor Anthony Yim
          Professor Yim says the concept behind the painting was
          to bring the public into the daily working environment of

          "The reflection of the light, which emanates from the
          operating theatre on the right, and encompasses the right
          side of the sink symbolises the cycle of life," he explains.
          The painting also represents collegiality and innovation -
          two key elements for success, Professor Yim adds.        Calligraphy of à
                                                              Professor Enders Ng
          Cross-generational artwork symbolises teamwork
          For Professor Ng, who did the calligraphy, the artwork
          signifies collaboration and harmony among several
          generations of surgeons. “Professor Yim was my teacher;
          I was the teacher of Dr Wong and Professor Chiu and I
          are from the same generation. So what I would like to say,
          especially to young doctors, is that there must always be
                                                                                                      ß Paintings of
                                                                                                      Dr Randolph Wong

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