Page 7 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 12 2019
P. 7
A good mentor is critical for
Dr Angel Nip Siu-ying
聶小瑩醫生 (MBChB 2008)
heeding Advice from her mentor, She Spread her Wings
and Took Flight to greater heights Overseas
聽取導師意見 在海外展翅高飛
T he advice that endocrinologist, patients from other ethnic backgrounds. 內分泌科聶小瑩醫生對海外工作的心得是:
Dr Angel Nip, would give “This made patient counselling more
young doctors wanting to work challenging,” she recalls. Sometimes she
overseas is…get a good mentor. has to fly over to the satellite clinics on a 闊視野,結果聶醫生做到了。駐院期間,她
scheduled basis or conduct telemedicine 對兒童糖尿病及內分泌學產生濃厚興趣,由於
She is speaking from experience. She and phone consultations. 丈夫在西雅圖工作,故此在 2015 年得黃教授
says she is ever so grateful to her 支持下,她接受同樣在西雅圖的華盛頓大學兒
CUHK mentor, Professor Gary Wong, There were also other challenges that tend 童內分泌科院士訓練。現時,聶醫生擔任西雅圖
who once told her…“Don’t limit your vision! to add an “extra level of difficulty in patient 兒童醫院的臨床導師,在這裡她遇到人生第二位
It is absolutely good for you to explore care and practising medicine” in the US, 出色的老師 Dr Catherine Pihoker,這位前輩樂觀
how medicine is practised in other parts Dr Nip says. For instance, with dispensing 又擅長鼓勵後輩,聶醫生認為自己目前的成就
of the world.” And, of course, she did! separation, patients usually get their 都可歸功於她。
“A good mentor is critical for success,” prescription at their local pharmacy, which 在美國初期,聶醫生也曾遇到語言和文化
she stresses. sometimes does not carry certain brands 阻礙,令輔導病人的工作更困難。她還不時要
of medication. “I remember receiving a 遠赴衛星診所或進行電話診症,為居於偏遠
Interest in paediatrics peaks call from a patient in the middle of the 地區的病人提供服務。而更需注意的是,在
during residency night to request insulin prescription as 美國,病人有時可自行購買藥物,部分藥物
After graduating from medical school at her pharmacy no longer carried that 卻無法在社區藥房購得,聶醫生便曾經在深夜
CUHK, she developed a ”huge interest” particular brand. I had to search for the 接到病人電話,唯有徹夜替病人搜尋就近仍在
in paediatric diabetes and endocrinology closest available pharmacy and call for the 營業的藥房,再次處方。還有,病人通常會
during her residency. “I took care of prescription.” 看病前先向保險公司取得核准,預先取得現金
and worked with children and families 來繳付檢查或治療的費用,可惜保險公司周末
with diabetes,” she explains. She Insurance also poses a headache. Medical 一般不會處理這些申請,聶醫生便試過在周
participated in international conferences investigations or prescriptions usually 末為病人以臨時貸款到藥房取藥。
which she described as “eye-opening need pre-authorisation from insurance
and inspiring.” With the support companies. “I had to help a family to 工作以外,聶醫生不時會為同事舉辦聯誼活動,
of Professor Wong, she joined the pick up an insulin pump device from the 又會緩跑、瑜伽和參加孩子的遊戲小組。工作再忙,
Paediatric Endocrinology Fellowship at pharmacy on a weekend for a temporary 她仍每年安排至少兩次家庭旅行。她坦言在
the University of Washington in 2015 for loan, as the insurance company refused to 海外行醫可以令人喘不過氣來,但最重要是
further training. process the authorisation on weekends.” 「遇到困難時,千萬別羞於求助和尋求意見」。
Seattle was the perfect place to further Importance of work-life balance
her studies as her husband also Dr Nip often holds regular social
worked there. Dr Nip now is a clinical gatherings or outings with her colleagues.
instructor at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Other times she jogs, does yoga and goes
Again, good mentoring came to play to playgroup with her “little one”. Despite
as she attributed her success to her her busy work schedule, she pencils in at
“enthusiastic and great motivating” least two holiday trips with her family each
mentor, Dr Catherine Pihoker. year.
Overcoming obstacles She says working overseas can be
Dr Nip faced language and cultural overwhelming but adds: “Never be shy to
barriers initially when faced with ask for help and advice.”