Page 11 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 12 2019
P. 11

"I came with my younger sister this year for
                        my second Fun Run. Last time I crossed
                        with  my  classmate  –  it  was  a  special  Fun Run 2019
                        the finishing line of the 5km run together
                                     Dr Law Wing-sze  The annual Fun Run, held on 2 March this year, attracted nearly 450 participants
                                 羅詠詩醫生  (MBChB 2018)
                                                    for a healthy and socialising morning.
                                                      Launched in 2001, the event is jointly organised by the Faculty of Medicine
                                                       and Chung Chi College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This
                                                        year Professor Fong Wing-ping, Head of Chung Chi College and
        "This year, I ran 10km with my good old friends of   Professor Ng Ho-keung, former Associate Dean (Education) were the
        CUHK. Fun Run is, to me, like a reunion. That's why   officiating guests.
        I am happy to be part of it and have taken part at
        least six times."
                     Dr Axel Siu Yuet-chung             The participants were offered a choice of two routes. The
                     蕭粵中醫生  (MBChB 1992)               5km-Explorers’ route started at Prince of Wales Hospital and ended
                                                     at Lingnan Stadium of CUHK. The 10km-Challengers’ route also began
                                                    at Prince of Wales Hospital, meandered along Belair Gardens, Lion Rock
                          "My result of the 10km run this year is the   Tunnel Road, Shatin Park and then through the scenic On King Street Park
                          best compared to my 2016 and 2017 Fun   promenade, and finally ended at Lingnan Stadium.
                          Run records. My elder brother also took part
                          in the run this year."
                                        Dr Chan Yip-fai  This health-promoting event is open to alumni, students and staff from both
                                   陳業輝醫生  (MBChB 1991)
                                                    the Faculty and the College.

      "I still have my 2009 Fun Run tee! And I remember
      there was one year where it rained heavily I had
      to wear my raincoat during the run...luckily we
      had nice weather this year."
                  Dr Leo Poon She-wang
                  潘仕弘醫生  (MBChB 1995)

      CU medical Alumni

      Buddy programme

                                    The Medical Alumni Buddy
                                    Programme (MABP) kicked off early
                                    this year - 4 January 2019 - with a
                                    career talk on Oncology, Radiology
                                    and Nuclear Medicine.
                                                                                     Emily Li (MBChB 2019)
                                    Some 50 medical students and                     “The Crash Course was very well-organised and
                                    graduates eagerly soaked up the                  really helpful. Doctors demonstrated their skills in
                                    wisdom and advice dished out by                  physical examinations and gave us advice on the
                                                                                     delivery of concise presentation. The course is a good
                                    eight specialists from the private               preparation for our examination.”
                                    and public sectors.

      Then a month later, on 15 February 2019, around 260 medical students
      attended the practical Crash Course on Clinical Exam & OSCE. The speakers   Joey Chan (Med Year 6)
      from Prince of Wales Hospital - Dr Heyson Chan (MBChB 2007), Associate   “It is a very heart-warming experience when
                                                                   doctors, who were once in our shoes, give us tips and
      Consultant, Medicine and Therapeutics, Dr George Law (MBChB 2008),   suggestions. The atmosphere during the Crash Course
      Resident Specialist, Orthopaedics, and Dr Shirley Liu (MBChB 2003),   was highly energised, with tight and entertaining
      Associate Consultant of Surgery - joined hands with private Orthopaedics   interaction between the speakers and students.”
      Surgeon, Dr Billy Law (MBChB 2001), to give tips and advice on
      presentation and viva voce skills.
                                                                                  Maksim Chan (Med Year 3)
      MABP convener Dr Siu Wing-tai (MBChB 1989), Consultant Surgeon from         “The Crash Course was very informative and enjoyable.
      Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, was the moderator for both events.         As a preclinical student, it helped me consolidate my
                                                                                  understanding of basic medical sciences, and orientate
 Scan to enjoy interview videos:                                                  myself better in grasping medical knowledge with an  Since its start-up in May 2016, MABP offers advice and learning   emphasis on clinical significance.”
      opportunities to students and helps them cultivate bonds with their peers
      and alumni.
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