Page 5 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 12 2019
P. 5

The major obstacle of working
                                                                     (overseas) is understanding how
                                                                     the medical system works.

                                                                                  Dr Belinda Siu Wai-man
                                                                                     蕭慧敏醫生  (MBChB 2004)

                            Seeing a diversity of patients is

                 What makes This Top portland doctor Tick

                                   身兼兩專科 為各式病人診症

               eing a family medicine practitioner  She took the US licensing exams,   蕭慧敏醫生曾試過同一天為小至三日大的初生
               and geriatric doctor at the  completed a family medicine residency   嬰兒,老至 105 歲的長者診症,對於身兼家庭
        B same time could pose a  with the University of Pittsburgh Medical     醫學和老人醫學兩項專科資格的她來說,這些
        challenge for many, but for Dr Belinda Siu,  Center and a geriatric fellowship with   多樣化的經歷也許正是她所追求的人生。
        diversity is what she craves for.   Oregon Health and Science University.
                                           Today, Dr Siu is recognised as one of the   有這樣的理念,源於當年仍是醫學生時,在
        She spends roughly half her time at a  Top Docs 2019 in Geriatrics in Portland by   家庭醫學診所工作的經歷。她曾目睹家庭醫生
        geriatric consultation clinic and the other  the Portland Monthly.      運用豐富的醫學知識,為各種各樣的病人診治,
        half doing family medicine at a primary                                 更與病人建立緊密關係,此種種都令她對家庭
        care clinic. She once saw a 3-day-old  “The major obstacle of working in the   醫學產生濃厚興趣。長者的健康問題往往較為
        patient and a 105-year-old patient on  US is understanding how the American   複雜,需同時考慮藥物治療和生活質素等多項
        the same day.                      medical system works,” she says. “For   因素,箇中挑戰亦正是吸引蕭醫生選擇老年
                                           example, insurance coverage quite often   醫學的主要原因。
        Hooked to patient-diversity        has a huge input on investigation and   1999年,由於家人移民到美國俄勒岡州波特蘭,
        Dr Siu was hooked to family medicine  treatment availability and affordability,   於是蕭醫生在 2007 年接受香港家庭醫學學院的
        ever since, as a fourth-year medical  and having to advocate for my patients is   基礎訓練後,便到美國考取執照,並完成匹茲堡
        student at CUHK, she worked with a  pretty much a routine.”             大學醫療中心的家庭醫學駐院訓練,和俄勒岡
        private family physician. “I was very                                   健康與科學大學的老人醫學院士資格。今天,
        impressed by the diversity of patients,  Adjusting to different cultures  蕭醫生已被《波特蘭月刊》(Portland Monthly)
        his knowledge and his relationship with   Having lived and worked there for many   雜誌評選為 2019 年當地最佳老人醫學專科醫生
        them. To me, he was my childhood ideal   years, she has adjusted to the differing   之一。
        of what a doctor should be. He really   cultures. She singles out one striking
        had a great impact on why I chose family   difference - people’s level of confidence.   她認為在美國工作,最重要是了解當地醫療
        medicine.”                         Teenagers from age 12 and upwards    系統。醫療保險的承保範圍會左右病人接受檢驗
                                           appear really confident while older adults   和治療的決定,而確保病人獲得所需照顧幾乎
        As for working with the elderly…“I just   make their own decisions instead of   成為她的恆常工作。在外多年,她早已適應文
        love seeing older adults! Most of them   consulting their children.     化差異,如美國人的「獨立性」:不管是 12 歲
        already have complex medical problems.                                  少年還是長者,都十分重視維護病人的保密和
        Adding functionality and quality of life   She may not have visited Hong Kong   自主權。
        into the mix, the challenge is what   or the campus for over a decade but
        attracts me to this specialty.”    deep down, she is grateful for the “solid   雖已離開母校多年,她仍感激當年中大為她
                                           education” she received from CUHK.   奠下堅實的醫學基礎,她寄語有志到海外工作
        Dr Siu’s family migrated to Portland,                                   的醫科朋友:事前要做好功課,多與同業交流和
        Oregon in 1999. She did research to   Dr Siu turns to exercise to de-stress,   到當地觀摩,到埗後就應努力了解和融入社會。
        see if she could move to the US to work   combining Zumba - an energetic dance -
        after graduating and live closer to them.   with pilates and Barre. She also hikes and
        She found out she could.           kayaks during the summer.

        Understanding different            Her advice:“Anyone interested in working
        medical systems                    overseas should try getting more
        Finally, in 2007 she relocated to Portland  information - talk to someone in the
        after completing her basic training in the  medical field, visit that country. And once
        Hong Kong College of Family Physicians.  you are there, assimilate…”
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