Page 10 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 2 2015
P. 10
espite the gloomy weather devotion. He also paid tribute
Don the afternoon of January to Professor Gerald Choa, the
24, some 350 people converged Founding Dean of the Faculty
on the Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical of Medicine and highlighted the
Sciences Building on CUHK Memorial Fund, named after
campus for the Medical Alumni Professor Choa.
Homecoming Day. There was a
buzz of comradery as alumni and The Alumni Wall - in the shape
their families chatted amicably, of a tree - was unveiled at the
with many agreeing that it was event. The Wall holds names of
like visiting their parents’ homes. people who have donated to
Dr Tai Kian-bun (MBChB 1993), the Fund. The officiating guests
a respiratory disease specialist included Mrs Anne Lee Liang,
says: “It’s a good chance for us to the daughter of Mrs Helen Lee,
meet and also for us to reflect on a major donor, several diamond
where we grew. Sometimes we patrons, as well as Professor Fok
need to visit where we started.” Tai-fai, Pro-Vice Chancellor/Vice-
President of CUHK.
In his welcoming remarks, Professor
Francis K L Chan, Dean of the Afterwards, Professor Fok Alumni and families were then
Faculty of Medicine, reminisced presented a souvenir (CUHK treated to a carnival comprising of
about how the Faculty has come Medic Bear) to Mrs Anne Lee games and stalls selling bric-a-brac.
a long way since the days when Liang while Professor Chan gave Other visitors toured the dissecting
the first batch of graduates had to the Medic Bears to all the other laboratory and children of the alumni
study in a cargo container while diamond patrons. were treated to an admission talk.
the Prince of Wales Hospital was
being constructed. Although Professor Enders Ng Kwok-wai, The special day also saw the launch
the learning environment was Associate Dean (Alumni Affairs), of the CUHK Medical Alumni
challenging, Professor Chan announced at the event new newsletter - a joint effort by the
recalled, the teachers taught alumni initiatives, one of which Faculty of Medicine and the CUHK
with passion and wholehearted was the Faculty’s Facebook. Medical Alumni Association.