Page 9 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 2 2015
P. 9
members of the CUHK Medical not know Professor Choa, who had Professor Choa was serious but
Alumni Association, has great retired by then. But because she is caring. “I still remember one incident
admiration for Professor Choa. “We “psychologically attached” to her vividly. During one of his lectures, I
all admired him but most of us were alma mater and thankful for the had the honour of carrying the round
afraid of him because he looked medical education she received tray for video slides. It was a long walk
very serious and when he gave there, she contributed to the Fund. to the lecture room and Professor
lectures, he seldom smiled. When Dr Law, in fact, has another reason Choa said… ‘Be careful, don't drop
he walked around, everybody kept to be thankful to CUHK because it the tray because it is your future. You
silent. But those who knew him said was there that she met her husband, drop it, you drop your future.’”
he was very kind to patients and Dr Siu Wing-tai. “No sparks flew
good to colleagues. We will always between us when we first met,” she “In hindsight,” Dr Lee adds, “Professor
remember what he told us during laughingly recalls. But it was only Choa was simply trying to tell us that
orientation about the Hippocratic when he became her mentor at the the future was in our hands, we control
oath…to cure sometimes, to Prince of Wales Hospital that their our future so we should do it with
comfort always.” romance blossomed. “My husband caution and concern.”
and I are active in alumni activities
Dr Bonita Law Ka-bo (MBChB and will come back every time Dr Poon Kam-fai (MBChB 1989) is a
1992), a private specialist in General there’s an occasion”. Dr Law’s hope private medical practitioner. Just like
Surgery, says she personally did is that the younger generation will the others, Dr Poon’s recollection of
donate to the Fund. Professor Choa was that he was a
serious person. Dr Poon says he and
Dr Siu adds: “We are both 51 other classmates who collectively
Dr Bonita Law Ka-bo
(MBChB 1992) graduates of CUHK and donated to the Gerald Choa
we want to give something Memorial Fund did so because “we
Dr Lee Wing-king back to the school.” are always ready to contribute to our
(MBChB 1988)
alma mater”. Dr Poon appealed to
Dr Lee Wing-king (MBChB other CUHK alumni to do the same.
1988), a specialist in
Psychiatry at the Kwai Dr Paul Shea Tat-ming (MBChB
Chung Hospital, says 1989) is a private specialist in
Geriatric Medicine. He has this
advice for future CUHK doctors.
“Do your best for the patients
and become a patients’ advocate.
Those who desire to do research
work should be more innovative
and again, gear towards the best
interests of the patients.”
Dr Poon Kam-fai
(MBChB 1989)
“I cherish the medical education
at CUHK,” Dr Shea adds. “I hope
Dr Paul Shea Tat-ming
(MBChB 1989) other graduates are also proud and
will contribute to society and to
the Fund. They can use the Fund
to go overseas and learn about the
good and the bad, and when they
come back they will have more
experience and insight about their
medical education.”