Page 8 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 2 2015
P. 8




                                                 rofessor Gerald Choa became the Founding Dean of the Faculty of
                                              PMedicine at CUHK in 1977. His role in the setting up of the medical
                                              faculty and teaching hospital and making them into what they are today -
                                              internationally recognised - remain a legacy. To honour his contributions,
                                              the Gerald Choa Memorial Fund was set up in 2013 aimed at supporting
                                              various academic activities within the Faculty, including scholarships, the
                                              development of new curriculum and teaching facilities. Many graduates have
                                              since contributed to the Fund, either individually or collectively, and we spoke
                                              to some of them - known as Diamond Patrons - who donated HK$500,000 or
                                              above. Some remembered Professor Choa as a very serious man, but they all
                                              agreed that underneath the stern exterior, lay a very caring heart.

                  r  Luk  Che-chung  (MBChB   Dean (Student Affairs) of the Faculty   Dr Siu Wing-tai (MBChB 1989),
              D1986), the Chief Executive of   of Medicine at CUHK. “Professor   a specialist in General Surgery at
              the Hong Kong West Cluster of   Choa was a visionary leader. He   the Hong Kong Sanatorium and
              public hospitals, was one of the   wanted to build a medical school   Hospital, and one of the founding
              first batch of students of CUHK’s   which had an international outlook.
              medical school. He described the   Before CUHK, there was no such
              Founding Dean, Professor Gerald   thing called Chemical Pathology
              Choa, as a man who shouldered   and  Oncology  wasn't  a  sub-
              many responsibilities. When the   specialty. So he brought a lot of new
              medical faculty was first established,   perspectives…he introduced holistic     Dr Siu Wing-tai
                                                                                               (MBChB 1989)
              one  of  the  many  challenges   care for patients.”
              Professor Choa faced was just where
              to send students for their clinical   Professor Wing says
              training. “It was only many years   Professor Choa also
              later, after I graduated, that I realised   really cared about
              the immense difficulties Professor   the students. “For
              Choa and his staff encountered,”   example, when he
              says Dr Luk. “They had to make   found out there were
              arrangements for students to have   no recreational
              clinical teaching without a teaching   facilities for students,
              hospital, and even weighing the   he bought TV
              option of sending them to the UK.”  sets.”
                                                                                                   Professor Wing Yun-kwok
                                                                                                   (MBChB 1986)
              Dr Luk says despite all the teething
              problems, Professor Choa reassured
              students that their studies would
              not be compromised. “In short, he           Dr Luk Che-chung
                                                              (MBChB 1986)
              was saying just leave the troubles
              to him. He was just such a great
              man. “

              Professor Wing Yun-kwok (MBChB
              1986) is a specialist in Psychiatry at
              the Shatin Hospital and Prince of
              Wales Hospital and the Associate
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