Page 5 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 2 2015
P. 5
“There are all sorts of hurdles and anxieties I have to
face, but having gone through the medical education
at CUHK, I can say that I have learned a lot from the
University’s growing pains.”
- Dr Luk Che-chung
(陸志聰醫生 , MBChB 1986)
he office of Dr Luk Che-chung on we were a new medical school at that The CE admits he sometimes misses
Tthe 12th floor of the Administration time, we brought in people from different looking after patients. He worked as
Block at Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) countries so we were very international.” a clinical doctor for about four years,
commands a lovely sea view. But, Dr before starting his executive career
Luk has no time to sit and admire the And given the fact that it was a new in 1990. He recalls working in the
view because he has to take care of, faculty, Dr Luk adds, there wasn’t any Obstetrics and Gynaecology ward at
not only QMH, but also of six other heritage or culture as such for them to Queen Elizabeth Hospital. “I actually
public hospitals. follow. “We created our own culture enjoyed interacting with the mothers
- and that had an impact on all of us,
“Before I took up the first Hospital including me…that we needed diversity and babies. It’s amazing how this kind
Chief Executive (CE) position 15 years and we had to walk our own path. of interaction can bring a doctor so
ago, I thought the battlefield was made much satisfaction.”
up just of files, papers, emails and “Take my personal career as an Dr Luk has his own personal style - he
meetings,” he laughingly recalls. “But example”, Dr Luk says. “In fact, would walk into wards unannounced.
then I soon realised that the job also very few medical graduates have When he first started doing this, ward
involves going to functions which really undertaken such a career path. So staff would panic and scramble to
consumes a lot of my time.” I am not following anyone’s path as make calls to their superiors. But now,
such. There are all sorts of hurdles and
But Dr Luk says those outside-the- anxieties I have to face, but having they are so used to him, they don't get
office events can be meaningful. “At gone through the medical education at alarmed. Dr Luk uses these surprise
staff functions, for instance, if they CUHK, I can say that I have learned a visits to gauge what areas need
need me to sing a song or have a beer lot from the University’s growing pains.” improvements.
with them, I will oblige. That’s all part Dr Luk says there are a few basic
of team building and it also narrows Dr Luk says he decided on a managerial principles which he would adhere to
down the huge gap between top role because he felt he could then “in an obsessive manner” and they
management and frontline staff.” treat a lot more patients better. But it
took him three years to overcome the include integrity, public good, and long
Dr Luk says his education at CUHK, had dilemma of changing his mindset from term interests. “In other areas, I would
a profound bearing on him. “Because being a doctor to a manager. describe myself as easygoing.”