Page 3 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 4 2016
P. 3



            “Stepping down as CUHKMAA Chairlady…does

            not mean an end to my support for my alma

                              - Dr Jennifer Mou Wai-cheung

                                               (繆蔚章醫生, MBChB 2003)

              am humbled and honoured to be writing this       To date, we are
            I          issue’s welcome address.                so proud to
                                                               have  more
            How time flies! I was a young intern when I first   than  10  of
            participated in the Alumni Association activities.   o u r   a l u m n i
            From being the only female paddler in the dragon   winning the Ten
            boat team, to joining the committee and becoming   Outstanding Young
            t h e   m o s t   j u n i o r   c o m m i t t e e   Persons Award over the
            member and to taking up the                          years - they symbolize the success
            post of Chairlady of the
            CUHKMAA in 2013.                                       stories of our Faculty, contributing to society in so
                                                                     many different ways.
            As Chairlady, it gave                                     On the one hand, our Faculty adheres to
            m e   m a n y   g r e a t
            opportunities to serve                                     the old principle of instilling the importance
            our  alumni  and  to                                       of “noble character” into students. On the
            represent the Alumni                                       other hand, our Faculty also acts like an
            Association in various                                    “open-minded” parent, always welcoming
            event s.  From  these                                    comments from alumni and students. This has
            activities, I witnessed the                             resulted in many innovations and improvements
            personal growth of myself.                           in teaching.

            I also witnessed the growth of many                Stepping down as CUHKMAA Chairlady after three
            alumni.  Many  of  my  students  are  now  young   years, like all past Chairmen, does not mean an
            specialists.  My  mentee,  from  the  Mentorship   end to my support for my alma mater.  I will always
            Programme organized by Ming Pao Daily and the      lend a helping hand whenever needed.
            Faculty, who was a secondary school student some   Last but not least, I would like to congratulate our
            7-8 years ago is now, I am proud to say, training to   Faculty on its 35th anniversary…it has come a long
            be an anaesthetist.
                                                               way to be where it is now.
            More importantly, I witnessed the growth and the   Let’s  continue  to
            success of our Faculty. A good demonstration       work hand in hand
            of this is the Faculty’s motto: “Transforming our   for the best of
            Passion into Perfection”.                          the best.
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