Page 6 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 4 2016
P. 6
any years ago, a
Mlittle girl living “…everyone is a unique light bulb in the
in a farm with her world that has a different shine.”
family, looked at
moths attracted
to the only light - Dr Emily Hung Chi-wan
bulb in her room. (洪之韻醫生, MBChB 2000)
The moths cas t
l a r g e s h a d o w s
a s t h e y f l i t t e d
around the light. To If Dr Hung is not busy at her
her, the glowing light practice, she is out talking
bulb was like a growing to parents, teachers and
child, radiating warmth and medical students on
spreading laughter to the whole how to pick up early
family. The moths were like ailments, D r H u n g warning signs that a
unwelcome visitors, casting shadows has had an child is severely sick.
bigger than life, particularly when illustrious
they were closest to the heart of the start to her She trains medical
light bulb. Thinking deeply, the little m e d i c a l staff on neonatal
girl felt the need to protect the light career. She resuscitation for
bulb, which to her was a growing studied first the HK College of
child, from crippling and devastating at Cambridge Paediatricians and is
infections and disabilities. also one of the youngest
University (UK) and
accredited speakers for
Years later, in an interview at The was involved in cervical the Medical Protection Society
Chinese University of Hong Kong cancer research, under the where doctors are taught how to
(CUHK), the girl, Dr Emily Hung, was tutelage of one of the leading figures in communicate well with patients. She is
asked why she wanted to be the history of making HPV vaccine, also involved with the Little Life Warrior
a paediatrician and she Professor Margaret Stanley. Society based in Lady Pao Children’s
related her story about Cancer Centre at PWH.
the moths. Impressed, After obtaining her
t h e i n t e r v i e w e r, f i r s t d e g r e e i n With her stellar background of
Professor Tai-fai Fok, Pre-clinical Medicine awards, publications and charity
now the Pro-Vice- in Cambridge, she work, Dr Hung went on to become
Chancellor, offered returned to Hong Kong one of the recipients of the Ten
her a training position in 1997, becoming Outstanding Young Persons Award in
with the Neonatal & the first ever transfer 2015. Immediately, she and the other
Paediatric ICU and the medical student at CUHK. eight winners got down to writing
Lady Pao Children’s Cancer Given her different tertiary a book, detailing how they worked
Centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital background, she was enlisted as a through the good and the bad to be
(PWH). member of the Medical Curriculum where they are now.
Reform Board for six years. “At that
Dr Hung now serves as a Consultant time, I was seen as an advocate for “For me, it is vital to do one’s best.
Paediatrician at private hospitals, is new ideas,” she laughingly recalls. Find your own mission and passion.
an Honorary Associate Professor at Try to be the first rate version of
PWH’s Department of Paediatrics “The best thing about CUHK is that oneself, and not a second rate
and an examiner for Licensing it is very ready to adopt new ideas,” version of someone else, because
Examinations (Paediatrics) in the Dr Hung says. “And, the professors everyone is a unique light bulb in
Medical Council of Hong Kong. really look after the students.” the world that has a different shine.”