Page 7 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 4 2016
P. 7




                                                 NEW PROGRAMMES AND

                                                               CLINICAL PRACTICE

               here is a saying… “Be careful
            Twhat you wish for”. But in the   “Interaction with people outside the ward often
            case of Professor Grace Wong, she   helps me to think how I can…change my clinical
            said she was “super fortunate” that
            her wish came true…and that was   practice to help patients.”
            to join the Department of Medicine
            and Therapeutics of The Chinese         - Professor Grace Wong Lai-hung
            University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
                                                                            (黃麗虹教授, MBChB 2001)
            Professor  Wong  recalled  how
            s o   i m p r e s s e d   s h e   w a s   w i t h
            Professor Joseph Sung, the current
            Vice-Chancellor  of  CUHK,  and   2009 by her mentor, Professor Henry   can come up with new programmes
            Professor Francis Chan, who’s now   Chan, called “New Life New Liver”   or change my clinical practice to
            the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,   where doctors would reach out to   help patients.”
            during  her  clinical  clerkship  at   intravenous drug users through health   With her impressive array of community
            the  Depar tment ’s  Division  of   talks and free blood tests.    services and research work, it was no
            Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
                                              Professor Wong recalls how, through   wonder that her mentor, Professor
             “I was a junior medical clerk at the time,   this programme, she befriended   Henry Chan, texted her one night about
            learning how to talk to patients, take   a former drug user and managed   applying for the 2014 Ten Outstanding
            their history and other clinical stuff,” she   to persuade him to undergo major   Young Persons Award. She did not think
            said. “That’s when I personally met the   surgery for his liver cancer. “I wasn't his   she stood a chance but decided to try
            professors and saw how kind they were   surgeon but when I bumped into him   anyway, and much to her surprise and
            to patients and students and how        in hospital and heard that he   delight, she won.
            knowledgeable they were.                    refused surgery, I spoke
                                                          to him. After several   Professor Wong says young
            “I started to think, wow,                       talks, he relented   doctors must be aware
            it would be so fortunate                         and to this day, he   that because of the
            if I got the chance to                           is cancer-free. This   heavy workload, they
            work with them. And, I                            is so rewarding,”   can appear “monotonic”
            was also very keen on                             she said.        when  dealing  with
            gastroenterology and                                               patients. “We have to
            hepatology.”                                     Professor  Wong   try to understand their
                                                            is  currently  the   worries and concerns,
            When she finally joined the                   president of AsiaHep   because every patient
            Department as an academic                   Hong  Kong  -  a  non-  is different.”
            in 2011, Professor Wong already        governmental organisation for
            had an impressive CV under her belt.    liver diseases. She can sometimes be
            She was a very junior doctor when she   seen at public venues, giving seminars
            had her first research paper published   and free blood checks. She says it is
            on primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) with   satisfying to see how people react when
            Professor Henry Chan in 2005. She   they discover they do not have
            had also worked for the Hospital   hepatitis, with some admitting
            Authority for 10 years.           they had never heard of the

            Besides her clinical duties and research   disease before.
            work, she is also heavily involved in   “Interaction with people
            community service. For example, she   outside the ward often
            helps out in a programme started in   helps me to think how I
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