Page 8 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 4 2016
P. 8



                                          he Medical Alumni Buddy Programme is
                                       Tthe brainchild of a group of alumni from
                                       the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese
                                        University  of  Hong  Kong  (CUHK).  The
                                        programme works like a mentoring system,
                                        connecting medical students with alumni
                                       from different graduation years. The core
                                      members within the Buddy group are doctors
                                     from the public and private sectors as well as
                                    CUHK academic staff.

                                 The Buddy system was created basically to instil
                              pride in the students for their alma mater, build bonds
                         among them, give them advice and support them in their
              moral and career development.
              Various activities will be rolled out to cater for medical
              students from different years, such as Pre-O Camp and
              O Camp gathering for junior students and Career Talks
              for senior students. Other activities - such as talks on
              extra-curricular issues, stress relief workshops and
              life-career balance sharing sessions - are also being
                     planned for the whole year. Buddies in the
                        different groups may arrange ad hoc
                           gatherings or dinner parties with their
                            own mentees from time to time.
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