Page 3 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 6 2017
P. 3


                                       WELCOME MESSAGE

                                              “GPS is still a developing programme and
                                            it won’t be successful without the generous
                                                              support of our fellow alumni.”

                                                    - Professor Justin Wu Che-yuen

                                                                         (胡志遠教授, MBChB 1993)
                                                                      Associate Dean (Development)

                  e are already past the first half   has also brought innovations   and medical  undergraduates.
            Wyear mark, and so much is        to the pedagogy of medical        T h e GP S tea m p r o a c t i ve l y
            happening with our CUHK Medical   education in CUHK. In addition    identifies and approaches high-
            Alumni Association. And, in this   to the core professional training   performing MBChB students
            issue, I am taking the opportunity   of medical knowledge, skills and   and invites them to apply for the
            to speak about something that     attitudes, GPS offers personalised   programme. To date, GPS has
            is close to my heart…the Global    mentorship, medical leadership   evolved to become a platform
            Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS)   workshops, supervised projects   that serves the individual learning
            (環球醫學領袖培訓專修組別) of the             and internship opportunities in   needs of all MBChB students with
            MBChB programme.                  world-renowned institutions.      special talents and aspirations.
                                                                                W e   p r o v id e   c o u n s el l in g
            The programme, established in     Since 2014, GPS has become the
            2013, is the first undergraduate   top JUPAS programme in Hong      suppor t, academic net work
            medical leadership scheme of its   Kong. It continues to evolve as   and postgraduate scholarships
            kind in Asia. The primary objective   an international benchmark and   to  all MBChB  students who
            is to nurture medical students    role model of medical leadership   are determined to pursue a
            with talents and aspirations to   education  for  other medical     special career path. GPS is still
            become future world leaders in    schools worldwide. Despite a      a developing programme and it
            different sectors of the medical   very short history of less than four   won’t be successful without the
            profes sion, namely clinic al     years since its establishment, over   generous support of our fellow
            service, research, education and   20 students have been awarded    alumni. I am looking forward
            management. The establishment     prestigious scholarships in the field   to more contributions from the
            of GPS is based on core values    of innovation and technology. Our   alumni as mentors and advisers
            of early nurturing of leadership   students have published dozens   on  course development  and
            skills in medical education. We   of first-authored papers in top   networking.
            wish to develop budding leaders   biomedical journals and earned    To this end, I wish you all the very
            with servant leadership, integrity   a number of young investigator   best and will leave you with this
            and strong desire to serve others                                   quote: ”The greatest leader is not
            and address societal needs.       awards and oral presentations at   necessarily the one who does the
                                              international medical conferences.
            Our strategy is to encourage                                        greatest things. He (or she) is the
            experiential learning through     GPS of fer s dual admis sion      one that gets the people to do the
            reaching out to the community     pathways for both prospective     greatest things.” (Ronald Reagan,
            and going international. GPS      students from secondary schools   former US President)
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