Page 6 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 6 2017
P. 6





            MANY WAYS

            ”Anyone can do law and medicine…because
              only by experiencing both will you know how
              to bring them together.”

                    - Dr Alexsander Wong Shing-tak

                                          (黃承德醫生, MBChB 2004)

                r Alexsander Wong graduated   All in all, it took him six years of
            Dfrom the Faculty of Medicine     studying before he got to where he is
            of The Chinese University of Hong   today - a barrister in a set of reputable
            Kong in 2004 and like every other   Chambers in Central.
            new doctor, he settled into a job
            which he thought, inevitably, would   Working part-time at a private clinic
            be his life-long career.          afforded him a lot of time to pursue
                                              his full-time studies. ”It was intense…
            But that wasn’t to be. He found something   clinic sessions in the morning, classes
            else that irked his curiosity - law. And   in the afternoon, then back again to
            from then on he just fell for it…hook,   the clinic,” he recollects. He would
            line and sinker.                  get home at around 10 pm, grab a
                                              few hours of study before sleep and
            ”My first brush with the law was   then start all over again the next day.
            when I had to help an elderly family
            member who was involved in a      Asked if he missed medicine, Dr
            property dispute. I had to go to court   Wong laughs: ”I do…sometimes.
            to handle the matter.”            But you know, medicine and law are
                                              intertwined in a lot of ways.
            At the time, Dr Wong had just completed
            his internship in 2005 at various hospitals   ”Take informed consent, for instance.
            and was working as a fully-fledged family   The law requires doctors to tell the
            doctor at a private clinic.       patients about their treatments, the   family because he can control his
                                              risks involved and what could happen   work schedule. It also gives him time
            It was during his frequent trips to court   if we don’t do certain things.   to share his legal knowledge, through
            that triggered his keen interest in law.                           invitational talks, with other doctors.
            So two years into his work as a private   ”A lot of medical disputes require the
            doctor, Dr Wong enrolled with the   law to resolve them so it’s important   He remembers his alma-mater fondly:
            Juris Doctor Programme run by CUHK   for doctors to know what their legal   ”I have been with CUHK for over a
            in 2007. He graduated in 2009 but   obligations are.”              decade…studying medicine and law.
            could not be considered a professional                             In some respects, it has moulded me
            lawyer because he still had to take up   And, Dr Wong adds, his medical   into the person I am now. It taught
            Postgraduate Certificate in Laws, PCLL.  expertise has not been put to waste. As   me discipline and helped me excel in
                                              a barrister, he does come across cases   problem-solving.”
            After obtaining his PCLL, he decided   which involve medical negligence or he
            to pursue a Master of Law degree at   has to make judgements on the mental   Dr Wong has a vision to bridge the gap
            Cambridge University in 2011.     capacity of clients.             between the two professions, saying:
                                                                               ”Anyone can do law and medicine…
            ”Then, I had to go through one-and-a-  He says being a barrister certainly   because only by experiencing both will
            half years of pupillage,” Dr Wong says.   gives him more quality time with his   you know how to bring them together.”
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