Page 4 - CUHK MEDICAL ALUMNI Newsletter Issue 2 Vol 6 2017
P. 4
They may be medical experts in their own fields…but having a law background
has enhanced their understanding of the legal aspects of medicine.
”Surgeons are at the frontline for negligence…many
are not aware of the legal implications of malpractice.”
- Professor Paul Lai Bo-san
(賴寶山教授, MBChB 1990)
hen Professor Paul Lai was would be relevant to my teaching and
Wvery young, he would watch work,” he says.
his grandfather – a herbalist - write
prescriptions for his patients using Professor Lai says his legal background
has helped him tremendously in his
Chinese brushes. Professor Lai would role as an academic surgeon. ”In
help him by preparing the ink.
fact, surgeons are at the frontline for
”I was very close to my negligence. Many doctors and
grandpa. So whenever students are not aware of
I was asked what I the legal implications
would like to do in of malpractice. So I
future, I always educate them to be
said…I want to mindful of the legal
be a doctor like pitfalls in medicine.”
grandpa.” H a v i n g a l a w
He has achieved background also
that dream - he is gives him credence
now an academic w h e n w r i ti n g
surgeon at Prince of medical-legal reports
Wales Hospital, director or preparing legally-
of CUHK’s Office of Medical sensitive audits such as the
Education and president of the performance of public hospitals.
College of Surgeons of Hong Kong. Professor Lai is Programme Director of
the Surgical Outcome Monitoring and
But these are not all the professional Improvement Programme.
qualifications Professor Lai has Besides that, his legal knowledge
comes in handy when his expertise friends would mourn my passing. But
While in secondary school, the study of is sought by the courts to clarify the hospital will still carry on without
law began to tickle his fancy. He believes complex medical issues. me. That was my light bulb moment.”
his innate interest for law intensified As a young, upcoming surgeon, He decided to set his priorities
when he joined the debating team. Professor Lai worked himself to straight. ”I am still pretty much a
”Many of my friends in the debating the bone. It was a competitive workaholic but my family, friends
society then went on to become lawyers. environment, he recalls. and taking care of my spiritual
I was the odd man out,” he recalls. But he has had a wake-up call since growth, are now my main priorities.”
But this ”odd man out” is now, not then - thanks to a book, recommended Professor Lai says he chose to do
only a qualified surgeon, he also by a Facebook friend, called Who medicine at CUHK because it was
holds a Masters Degree in Medical Will Cry When You Die? Life Lessons ”a young medical school -still is
Law from Northumbria University, from a Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, by - with nice, caring and energetic
UK. In 2006, Professor Lai took up a Canadian writer, Robin Sharma. professors, some of whom have
three-year part-time distance learning ”I cried when I read the book. It got made sacrifices for the betterment
course with the University because me thinking…if I departed this world of patient care.”
it had modules such as informed due to a stroke or an accident, who His advice to students: ”As doctors,
consent, patients’ confidentiality and would cry at my funeral? Of course, my you are entrusted to treat patients well
medical negligence. ”I knew all these wife, two daughters, my parents and and effectively...don’t let them down.”